Alpacem: A new Brand is born!
9. November 2018
Mark & Mark Design Agency develops the new brand Alpacem by Wietersdorfer and their overall appearance.
In the course of our many years of brand development for the Wietersdorfer’s business areas cement and concrete and lime, we became aware that the name Wietersdorfer as a holding name for the sites of the Cement & Concrete division is causing problems in the international environment and that therefore creating a new brand could be of crucial importance for the future success of the company.
Together with Mag. Peter Ramskogler, Marketing Manager of the Cement & Concrete Division, we started the ambitious project at the beginning of the year. At the start of October, the new umbrella brand was to be presented to the public on the occasion of the 125th anniversary celebration. A pretty ambitious timing!
Our structured brand development process started after a thorough market analysis with brand naming. Here it was particularly important that the name in all three regions (Austria, Slovenia, Italy) is easily pronounceable and understandable and has a high potential for a strong group identity. The fact that all companies are located in the Alps-Adriatic region quickly put us on the right track.
Peter Ramskogler is convinced that this development has made a significant contribution to the further success story of Wietersdorfer: “Our strategic goal is to expand market leadership in the Alps-Adriatic region and to grow the company in its core competencies and beyond. That only succeeds with a clear positioning and a strong brand. Moreover, the long-term cooperation with Mark & Mark has reached its peak with the launch of the Alpacem brand. We appreciate the competence and the consistency of the creative team in the cooperation, which also brilliantly achieved the ambitious goal of the rapid introduction of Alpacem.“